Themes are amongst others the ship as micro-cosm, constructions of the ship and of shipping in the collective and cultural memory, e.g. in re-constructions and re-enactments of historic sea-journeys. Also researching into the representation of maritime stereotypes, of working- and living conditions at sea.
Distinct differences in regional boat forms is argued for usually by pointing out local or regional conditions of usage and the need for adaptation or optimizing of forms to suit the geological and weather conditions at the place of usage. Some examples cast doubt on this idea, as quite distinct boatforms have been used in very different conditions without need for adaptation or change of their forms...
"Modeler’s Review: ’MHS Bounty’s Jolly Boat’" in: Nautical Research Journal. Spring 2019, Vol 64:1; 79-81.
"Reflections on the arbitrariness of regional boat-forms" in: Nautical Research Journal, Sept 2017; 189-196.
"Re-Enactments of Historical Seafaring between Experimental Archaeology and Constructions of Identity" In: Journal of Maritime Research (Spanish Society for Maritime Research) Vol. X, No. 1 (2013); 59-64.
"Schiff und SCHIFF: Für die Erweiterung der cultural studies aufs Meer hinaus." Mit Jens-Ulrich Davids. In: Anke Bartels, Reinhold Wandel, Dirk Wiemann (Eds.): Only Connect. Texts - Places - Politics. Festschrift for Bernd-Peter Lange. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2008; 175-188.
"Modell als Objekt - Objekt als Modell. Technikvermittlung und Dokumentation an Artefakten." In: Schwender, Clemens; Dittmar, Jakob; Prengel, Hans (Hrsg.): Abbild - Modell - Simulation. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2005; 39-72.
"Erzählungen aus der Fremde - Landnahme durch Abbildung der See in Text und Bild." In: Schwender, Clemens (Hrsg.): Robinson in Weißenfels. Eine Publikation anlässlich der gleichnamigen Ausstellung. Weißenfels 2004; 87-104.